Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New book idea coming soon

Even though I am still working on Eyes of the Sea, I have had an idea for a new book.  Still working on the details and how I am going to put it together and yet to still come up with a name for it....but I already have had several people tell me that this one is going to be a good one.  Chapters will be coming out soon :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kindle and Carum

Kindle and Carum

The leaves fell all round Kindle, dancing in the wind and falling to her feet.  Autumn had always been her favorite time of the year.  She loved to watch the trees turn their rich bold colors as there is a crisp, clean smelling fragrance in the air.

Kindle picked up one of the maple leaves at her feet and with outstretched hands, she waited.  Her long red hair blowing all around her face, she closed her eyes while concentrating on the question at hand.  Good fortune or bad fortune?    Opening her eyes and letting go of the leaf, she watched the leaf float up and up into the wind carrying it as far as it would go.  This was the answer she had wished for.  As long as the leaf blew upward the answer was sure to be good fortune.  If the leaf floated downward to the ground the answer was most certainly bad fortune.  A leaf falling to the ground was bad fortune’s signature.

Even though the time of year was Autumn, it was still a little hot. So Kindle searched high and low.  She saw no one, so she made the fateful decision to strip off all of her clothes and go for a swim to cool her body off.  She had heard tales of serpents in these waters, yet she had no reason to believe them.  She felt that if she let them be, then they would let her be.

As she swam, floating on her back as the current carried her downstream the sun was warm on her face.  Her breasts glistening as she floated along.  Such a good mood she was in, she started to sing:

I my love, I wish to see

Breathe your life into me

When the flow of the tide draws near

Under the Waxing Moons

I will appear

A stone that separates Good from Evil

A lover’s kiss, a song and a prayer

Good conquers Evil

Upon the fortress lair.

It was an old song her brother Elan had taught her when she was real young..  She often thought of all the stories her brother taught her throughout her annuals.  Elan has always been her rock, her guidance and stronghold.  He knows that she has an active imagination, but never held it against her.

As she floated along, she remembered Elan telling her stories of these waters containing within it magical properties reserved only for the virtuous and pure of heart.  These waters would bring youth, vigor and power.  Boy, did she love the stories Elan told her, yet she was not interested in anything of the above…she just wanted to swim and cool off.  Her mind in such a faraway place she never noticed the handsome young man standing behind one of the maple trees watching Kindle with awe and interest.

So beautiful, yet so naïve, This young man thought to himself.  Then just as suddenly he was filled with shame.  He was not to be watching this beautiful creature swimming, yet he could not look away.  He knew what these waters contained.  He decided to wait to see if she needed any help which took a little longer than imagined.

As Kindle swam along the shores, she caught sight of a small waterfall.  Curious as she has ever been, she swam over to explore it.  This was no ordinary waterfall, it had mossy stones covering the place where the falls meet the standing  water.  Kindle noticed a cave behind the falls and decided to explore a little more. 

She was small enough to fit through the small crevice leading to a ritual chamber.  It seemed to her that this place had not been used for quite some time, yet there was an altar which was still intact.  Inside the altar, Kindle found the most beautiful of all Emeralds in all of the four worlds.  Such was the weight of this find it was almost as heavy as a full sized pear.  She was so excited by her find that she swam back with it not knowing the dangers which would befall her.

Swimming back seemed to be a little harder for her.  She swam against the current which was trying to push her back.  Then there was the emerald which in a way weighted her down and made her more tired.

The sun which warmed her face earlier was now hidden behind a menacing looking gray cloud.  The wind was picking up, making it even harder for her to swim back.  So tired was she swimming against the current, she was losing her bearings.  The wind along with the current pushed her head down into the Elourna.  When nature ceased to tease her with death, she could come up for air.  Then the cycle started again, pushing her further down into the murky depths.

This time, she could not come up for air.  All was lost.  Kindle was giving in to the water which was taking her life when she felt a pair of strong arms circle her waist and raise her head above the water so she could breathe.

This man who saved her from a watery grave swam to the edge of the Elourna and lay her down on the grass.  Even though she had passed out by now, she was still clutching something….the emerald.

The man stared down at this beautiful woman with fire colored hair.  Her skin was golden, her lashes long and her lips were pillowy full and red.  He immediately recognized her from his dreams, his visions.  He felt as if he knew her before the beginning of time.  She is more beautiful than in my dreams, he thought to himself.

Kindle’s eyes finally fluttered open.  She surveyed the area before noticing she was not alone and certainly not clothed.  She shrieked as she made for the river which was the only thing between this man and her nakedness.

The man laughed heartedly at her modesty.  Was she not the one who was just swimming in the nude a few moments ago?  He thought to himself.

Kindle, full of fury splashed water in his direction screaming “THIS IS NOT AMUSING!”

The man smiled as he told her tenderly “you were drowning.  I just took it upon myself to help you.  And this is amusing to me.  Look at you, splashing water in my direction.  You aren’t even hitting me.  Why don’t I introduce---“

Kindle interrupted angrily “WHERE.ARE.MY CLOTHES?”

The man, still smiling made a bargain with her “I will tell you where your clothes are, if you stop splashing at me and stop all this yelling.”

Embarrassed by her behavior, Kindle calmed down.  Besides, was it not him who pulled her out of the water when she might have drowned?  In her most demure fashion she simply thanked him.  Then added “Kindle is my name” She looked down to hide her embarrassment .

The man thought for a minute.  He knew she was a mage with the Myriad and could break him in two with a wave of her hand.  He spoke with authority “Then I shall introduce myself to you.  I am the one they call Carum and it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Kindle.  You will find your clothes by that maple tree and I will leave you so you can have your privacy in redressing” Then he added “Good Day, my lady” with a slight bow.

As soon as she was positive he was nowhere in sight, she raced out of the river and found her clothes.  With lightning speed, her skirt and top were on her body and she was about to dart out of there when she remembered the emerald.  She held it up against the sun which decided to come out of hiding behind the clouds.

Kindle marveled at how huge the emerald was.  The shape was oval, in the shape of an eye.  With the sun’s reflection off of it, it sparkled the whole forest.  She had never seen the forest alight with such robust colors.  She was so proud of her find.  She wrapped the stone in burlap, then placed it in the secret pocket inside of her skirt.  She could not wait to get back to the village to show her mother and Elan.

Carum didn’t go far when he left the flustered and feisty Kindle to her dressing.  He was a man, so he could not resist the temptation of watching her as she dressed from the distance.  His hiding place was behind a maple tree which had some ivy hanging around its trunk.

He smiled to himself as she pulled her white camisole over her head and then down to where it hugged her chest like a glove.  He was drunk with the pure magic this lady held within her innocent physique.  By the time she pulled her skirt over her hips, he was already dizzy with excitement.  Then the excitement turned to embarrassment and anger at himself for watching her like a blood thirsty wolf out for his first kill.

He decided it was time to get back to his palace.  His father would be more than a little worried for his safety at this point.  Yet as he turned to leave, he noticed that Kindle had pulled out a huge green stone, an emerald maybe?  He was transfixed with the awe of the reflections bouncing around the forest through the trees.  He then watched as she wrapped the stone in a burlap sack and hide it in a secret pocket within her skirt.

It was at this precise moment in which he realized what she had.  The Eye of Alia.  He had heard stories about the emerald when he was younger.

Carum knew this stone was both powerful and dangerous as it was stolen from the statue of Alia hundreds of annuals ago.  What followed were horrible times of famine, wars, plagues and death.  As superstitions go, all the troubles were blamed on the stolen emerald.  It was written in the Book of Laws that only the pure of heart could return the stone to the statue.

There would be many who would stop at nothing to stand in her way.  Just to possess the stone gave the bearer much power.  If this was the same stone as he thought it might be, then Carum knew Kindle’s life would hang in the balance.  Now it was his duty as a Paladin to protect her at any cost.

As Kindle made her way back to her village, Carum took careful steps to stay close behind yet undetected.  He marveled at the way the animals in the forest reacted to her presence.  Instead of running away, they seemed to surround her as if they themselves were trying to protect her.

He laughed to himself as he watched her skip along like a little girl without a care in the world.  He wondered how this lady could have both qualities of a woman and a child who can be so enchanting as she sang to herself.  A song that he himself seemed to know.  She sang this song before when she came to me in a dream.  We are connected somehow, almost as if we have known each other before the beginning of time.  He thought to himself.

Suddenly they were at her village.  Small yet inviting, it was made up of mostly merchants and fisherman.

Kindle stopped short of entering her village.  She knew Carum had been following her the whole time.  As she turned to face him, a warm smile radiated on her beautiful face.  “Thank you Sir Carum for making certain of my safe passage home”  she said as she stared in his direction.

His covered blown, he came out from behind the olive trees.  “How did you know I was even there?  He asked as she smiled at him.  He knew the answer to that question without even having to ask it.  She had sensed him all along.  His heart soared as she took him by the hand and invited him into the village for a meal of roasted lamb.

Carum knew his father would be worried to the point of ill health if he did not immediately return home.  Yet, there was something about the way Kindle took his hand, smiling at him as she led  him through the east gate of the village.  It seemed she had a passionate need to experience all and everything she could.  Even though he had been with many women, he could tell she was untouched.  Probably more akin to being protected , groomed for a destiny she has yet to fulfill.

Carum was stunned at the bustling and scurrying of the tradesmen yelling and peddling their wares of copper and flint.  The air was abuzz with the smoke from a communal fire as if they were being prepared for a ceremony worthy of royalty.  He drank the whole of the atmosphere in and held it.  This is what it feels like to really live, he thought to himself, these are people of the soil and sea.  Good people.

As if reading his mind, Kindle addressed the crowd that was now surrounding them.  “My family, I have brought Sir Carum of Windspear into our village for a feast of celebration tonight for he saved me from drowning in the Elourna.  Please make him feel welcome and show our gratitude”.  She then turned to Carum, her eyes sparkling as if they were made of emeralds themselves “I know your father is worried about you, but I would like to thank you with a meal of roasted lamb before your return”

He couldn’t say no.  He couldn’t say anything.  He was still taking in all of the beauty of these people with soot on their faces and women with scarves on their heads to hide their hair.  Then he wondered why Kindle did not wear a scarf on her head.  She just smiled and the thought left him as soon as it entered his mind.

Taking his hand again, Kindle led him to a small cottage just east of the gate and simply said “here.”

“Pardon?” he replied

She let go of his hand at this point but gave him her warmest smile yet that radiated down his whole body toward his legs which almost melted him on the spot.

“Here is my home.  Small compared to your palace, I am sure but it is a loving a joyful place.  You will find fresh trousers and vest in Elan’s room.  You are about the same size.  It’s not as fancy as you might be accustomed to but it will do for now.  I will be at the bathing pool since I need a fresh dressing myself”  She cocked a sideways glance at him then looked to a room on the left.  It could only mean that this was where they were to part.

Carum stopped short of the door on the left then asked “Elan?”

Kindle nodded slowly, smiled then answered “You will like him, I am sure of it”

She then turned and walked out of the cottage door leaving a bewildered and slightly jealous Carum to wonder who this Elan was and what was his relationship with Kindle.



                Her name was Aliana, she is the mother of Kindle.  It was said that her bloodline ran from the same vein as the mother of Alia who is the namesake she was named after.

                She is the Mother Priestess of the Myriad.

                Her hair was long, curly and fiery red.  He eyes were emerald green.  Her powers were honed to the sharpest of skills.

                Like her mother before her, she took responsibility for her people.  She guided her people, each one with respect.  She was beloved by all people in her village.

                Aliana was only seventeen annuals when she first mated.  Ryanne, the firstborn was to be put to death upon her birth.  She had dark hair and dark soulless eyes.  All women born unto the Myriad were supposed to have fiery red hair and emerald green eyes.  Black hair and soulless black eyes were considered an atrocity and evil at that.  So death was immenent

                Aliana could not put her own daughter to death so she made a decision to take her to the Sirens who lived in the forest.  She knew that the Sirens would take care of her and teach her their ways even if their ways were more or less evil.  At least she knew her daughter would be safe.

                Elan was born unto Aliana as her second child.   Strong and dependable yet he was male and un-trainable in the arts of the Myriad (>10<1000).  He preferred the sea, land and tale spinning.

                When she was of 20 annuals, she mated again.  This time with Kindle’s father.  She was only three annuals when her father passed.  He was a hard worker and a hard drinker.  His heart just gave out one day.  Aliana was forbidden to try to heal the ailing man.  She mourned for weeks.

                Kindle just so happened to be the mirror image of Aliana.  She was a strong willed, stubborn mistress with and innocent heart. 

                That innocent heart is what frightened Aliana of her daughter.  Yes, she was well trained in the Myriad of five:  Energy, earth, fire, spell craft and enchantment. Tonight, she would test her skills of wind magic.  Aliana was amazed at how well her daughter did with her training.  Her light and power were so strong that it frightened even Aliana.

                When Aliana was a child herself, she would practice her magic to all things around her.  When the fishermen could not catch any fish, Aliana used her powers to make the fish more accessible to them.  When someone was sick, she used her healing powers to heal the person afflicted.

                Her parents died when she was only nine annuals.  That was when the Myriad had taken her up under their wing.  She could hardly remember her father nor his death but she did remember her mother with her fiery red hair and emerald green eyes.

                She remembered how her mother would take her for long walks along the banks of the Elourna in search of medicinal flowers and roots.  Her mother was a well respected healer.  There was not much she could remember of her mother except that she would pick the young Aliana up in her arms and twirl her around until she was dizzy.

                Upon her mother’s death, she remembered a light emanating from her body that shot through Aliana’s body.  This was the way of the Myriad.  When one died, their light went into their child.  This made that child even stronger with her powers.

                Now at forty annuals, it was her daughter Kindle’s turn to practice in the way of the Myriad.  This was no easy task.  The Myriad was tough and if Kindle halfway performed one of her spells, the Myriad would let her know it most viscously.

                Tonight was not going to be an easy task.  The magic of Wind was almost always the hardest to perform but if she made it then she would have earned the respect of the Myriad.

                Aliana had no doubt in her mind and heart that Kindle would pass the test.   She watched Kindle from afar conjuring wind without the slightest trouble.  Once, when she was watching her she was amazed at the way the Elourna reacted when Kindle tried her Wind Power over the water.  She was trying to cross the Elourna without getting wet when she held her hands in front of her and a rather large wave formed leading Kindle safely to the other side.

                She knew her daughter was special.  She was her daughter after all, wasn’t she?

The Bathing Pool

The Bathing Pool

                Kindle silently smiled to herself as she left the confused and possibly jealous Carum in the cottage to dress for the evenings celebration.

                She knew he wanted to know who Elan was but she loved having a little mystery about herself.  A little jealousy made her feel special and wanted.  He was going to meet Elan soon enough.  She just wanted to have a little fun with it right now.

                She made her way to the bathing pool just at sunset.  The atmosphere was alive with the sound of splashing and playing by the other ladies in their tribe.

                Kindle took a seat on one of the steps to the bathing pool and watched the other ladies playing and having fun.  Even though she smiled, there was a deep pain in her heart wishing she could be just like the other ladies, even for one moment.

                But she could never be just like the other ladies.  She, after all was her mother,  Aliana’s daughter.  Born from the bloodline from the maternal side of Alia.  She was destined for another future.  A future filled with training as a Mage of the Myriad and tonight she would have to prove herself worthy with the test of her Wind power.

                Her magic was spectacular.  She was well versed in the magic of Enchantment, Energy, gift of Song and Earth magic.  She could cast a spell of Fire against any foe.  She could also cast a Shell of Protection on a person in danger.  Her healing powers were beyond any comparison.

                Tonight, she will ascend to the level of Wind Magic.  Scared as she was, she was so excited that Carum would be there to witness her magic firsthand.

                She watched as the other ladies finished with their ritual baths and dress in their traditional attire:  A sarong over their bodies, scarves to cover their hair and masks to hide their faces except for their eyes.

                This was done out of respect for the mages such as herself and her mother Aliana who are forbidden to wear scarves and masks.  It has been a long believed tradition that the source of the mages powers are due in part to their fire red hair, emerald green eyes and ruby red lips which could enchant even the strongest of men with a few notes of song.

                As the last of the ladies left, Kindle undressed and slowly entered the bathing pool for her ritual bath.  The three moons were full and bright with their light, so she could easily navigate the water.

                She relaxed for a few moments before applying the vanilla and lavender oils over her hair.  She then massaged the oils into her skin.  It was at this time she felt someone watching her.  She felt this presence before.  It was not threatening, so she was not frightened.

                She had a feeling she knew exactly who the person was.  It was Carum.  So she decided to give him a full view of her nude silhouette of her form slowly rising from the water.

                In the moons light that shown down on her body made her look just like the High Priestess, Alia.  Carum could make out the individual droplets of water flowing down her body as he made her way toward him.  He could not move.  He was transfixed to his position and he certainly could not take his eyes off of her.

Carum suddenly came to his senses.

                “I am so sorry.  I didn’t mean to.” Was all he could say.

Kindle smiled and simply asked the Paladin “Enjoying the view?  You have already seen me this way.  Why are you so shy about it now?”

                Carum protested “That was different.  You were drowning.”  He quickly turned around so she could dress herself.  “Besides, I am sworn to serve and protect with the utmost respect” he told her in  an almost inaudible way yet he knew she heard him.  Being part of the Myriad, he knew she could even read his thoughts.

                Kindle threw her head back and laughed.

                “I  know who you are Sir Carum of Windspear.  You are the son of King Ezrec.  Yet you reject becoming a king yourself.  You admire the ways of the Paladins and so against your father’s wishes, you took the oath of the Paladin.  To honor, serve and protect the righteous.  How am I doing so far?”  She asked of the astonished Carum.

                “How can you know all of that?” he asked her, already knowing the answer to that question.  Kindle is a mage with the Myriad.  She not only possesses powers beyond reproach but has an uncanny power to read people….especially him.

                She is the one who invades my dreams.  The one I have loved before time its self.  He thought to himself.

                “I am finished dressing.”  Was all she said.

                Carum turned slowly to face her.

                In the silhouette of the moons, Kindle was even more beautiful.  Her long curly fire red hair, still wet, hung in ringlets framing her face and shoulders.  She stood in front of him in a long green sheath dress, her feet bare yet they were not rough in any manner unlike the other women in her tribe.

                She is more beautiful than in my dreams.  I am meant to protect her with my life.  He thought to himself…knowing full well that she knew exactly what he was thinking.

                Kindle just smiled as took Carum by the hand.

                “Come.  The tribe is waiting on us” She simply said as she led him to the ceremonial fire awaiting them.

The Ceremonial Test of Wind

The Ceremonial Test of Wind

                As they walked hand in hand toward the ceremonial fire circle, Carum discovered that tonight was not only a celebration of Kindle’s life being saved but also this ceremony was to celebrate Kindle’s ascension test into the Myriad.  Her test of Wind Magic was tonight.

                They finally arrived just as the ceremonial circle was closing.  Carum found himself seated beside a strong, dark and muscular man with piercing blue eyes.  He was frightened until this man smiled a wide, warm and heartfelt smile.  Then the man began to speak.

                “I am forever in your debt for saving my sister’s life today.  Since she has been trained in the Myriad, she feels as if she in invincible.  So, you see can get herself into a lot of trouble”   The man said to Carum.

                “Sister?” was all Carum could muster.

                The man laughed as he slapped his knee.  “Yes.  Kindle is my darling little sister.  Pardon my manners.  I forgot to introduce myself.  I am Elan.  Kindle’s older brother”

                A wave of relief swept over Carum as this revelation sunk in.  Elan is Kindle’s older brother, nothing more.  He managed a warm smile and introduced himself to Elan.

                “My name is Sir Carum of Windspear”  he told Elan.

                Elan looked at Carum with curiosity.

                “You are King Ezrec’s son?”  He asked Carum.

                Carum stated in a controlled whisper “I may be the Kings son and not proud of that fact.  I am a true Paladin at heart, a sworn protector of the righteous and the innocent”.

                Elan, still studying Carum with curiosity smiled and stated “Your secret is safe with me Sir Carum of Windspear”

                All conversation ceased while the ceremonial meal was passed in a communal way.  Roast lamb.  Carum had never tasted anything so delicious.  The togetherness and love amongst the tribe members made his heart fill with joy.  He never had a feast like this and never wanted it to end.

                The wine was passed around in the same manner.  It was exquisite, yet it made his head spin.

After the feast was consumed, the celebration and Kindle’s test was to begin.  Elan began with music, beating on a lambskin drum.  Next Kindle’s mother, Aliana sang a song in the tongue of the Ancients.

It was at this exact moment that Carum realized who Kindle actually was.  Her mother, Aliana was born from the sacred bloodline of the Supreme High Priestess Alia.  This meant Alia’s blood ran through Kindle’s veins.  She is descended from the sacred bloodline of Alia, the Priestess who brought love and tranquility to the whole kingdom.

The singing and music stopped.  At first Carum was concerned then quickly realized that now was the time for Kindle’s test of Wind.

As Kindle stood, the tribe started chanting something that Carum could not make out.  At first it was a low chant, then it grew into a loud crescendo.  Kindle clapped her hands together and all chanting stopped.

Kindle stood before the fire with arms outstretched.  A gentle breeze blew, surrounding the circle.  The tribe was transfixed as was Carum.  All eyes were on Kindle.

As she drew her hands closer together, the breeze turned into a strong wind surrounding only herself.  Her hands drew closer and closer together causing the strong wind to swirl around fiercely in a whirlwind.

Carum was about to jump from his seat to rescue her from this perceived threat but Elan held him fast to his seat.

Kindle’s hands were almost touching.  The wind was horrendous when with one sudden motion, she threw her hands toward the fire effectively extinguishing it.

An applause went up from the tribe which was quickly silenced by the sight of four women with long fiery red hair and emerald green eyes walking toward Kindle.  One of these women was Aliana, Kindle’s mother.  None smiled.

The four women encircled Kindle.  The eldest woman spoke to Kindle in a tongue that Carum could not interpret.  Then this woman smiled at Kindle as she presented a beautiful stone.

Another applause went up from the tribe.  Kindle passed her test.  Carum witnessed Aliana give her daughter Kindle a kiss on her forehead while saying something to her.  Praise maybe?

Within another quick motion, Kindle waved her hand over the cinders and the fire appeared again.  She then met Carum’s  eyes which were filled with astonishment and admiration.

He thought to himself how can I protect a woman who could probably kill someone without lifting a finger to them?

Thinking on this, he had blocked out all that was going on around him.  He had not even noticed Kindle standing in front of him.  That is when the music and singing started ringing again in his ears.  Only it wasn’t in his ears.  He noticed the whole tribe had risen and were dancing to the beat of Elan’s drum.  “Care to dance with me Sir Carum?” Kindle asked with an outstretched hand.   With his mind still reeling from the wine, song and the power Kindle held, he took her hand as she led him to a more secluded part of the gathering.

The Death of Alia

The Death of Alia

                Kindle, having been trained in the Myriad of Enchantment began to sway to the beat of the drum in the distance.

                Every sway and movement of her body told little parts of a long forgotten tragedy.  The death of Alia and her lover.

                Carum became hypnotized by the story Kindle told him with every movement of her body and was transported in spirit to the Third Moon of the North.

                Against his will, he became a silent witness to the beloved Alia’s death.

                As he stood transfixed by the seemingly real imagery, he watched as the two forbidden lovers rushed into one another’s arms.

                What followed was a beautiful, touching and loving embrace which turned into a kiss.  As Alia and her lover stared into each other’s eyes, Carum could see silent tears falling from both Alia and her lover’s eyes.

                Alia whispered a prayer in the form of a song that had so much pain in it that it made Carum’s heart ache.  It resonated throughout his soul.  He knew what was coming next, yet he could not shield his eyes.  He had to be a steadfast silent witness.

                “Kindle.  Please stop” Carum pleaded to Kindle.  Instead, she kept up her dancing of Enchantment.

                After Alia finished her prayer, she handed her lover an emerald handled dagger.  With tears in her lover’s eyes, he plunged it deep into her heart.

                As she lay dying in his arms, he cried out such a sound of pain that no human could ever make.  Her lover’s tears drenched the dying Alia’s face and hair.  When she took her last breath, a light emanated out of her body.  Her lover closed her emerald green eyes for the last time, then he gently kissed her lips.

                Again Carum pleaded with Kindle to stop knowing it was a useless request.  Kindle was deep in her trance so his pleas fell on deaf ears.

                Carum could do nothing but watch Alia’s light leave her body.  Her lover whispered the second part of the prayer.  Then he pulled the dagger from Alia and plunged it into his own heart.  His love for Alia, so great that he crawled to her body just to hold her one last time as he awaited his own death.  He knew that the lover’s had died as a soul of one. 

                Carum turned his eyes to theThird Moon of the North which seemed to him that it was taking on the color of blood.  This frightened him.  He wished that Kindle would stop.

                As if she finally read his mind, Kindle was able to pull him out of the hypnosis before he was trapped in that vision for the rest of his days.

                Tears spilled from Carum’s eyes as he looked into Kindle’s concerned eyes.

                “I could never do something like that to anyone I am in love with.” He stated when he finally found his voice.

                Kindle smiled sadly.  “You can never change events that were meant to happen” is all she said.  Then she turned to walk back to the festivities already in full swing.

                Carum followed slowly behind her asking himself why did she have to show me that?  Of all the things she could have showed me and she showed me that?  Why?

                “Why?”  Carum demanded as he caught Kindle by the arm.

                Kindle smiled sadly again and told him “It was meant to be.  Goodnight Sir Carum” Then simply walked away toward her cottage leaving the bewildered Carum to find his own way home.



As Carum started making his way back to Windspear, he heard the thumping of the horses hoofs.

“Oh great, father has sent a search party for me”.  He muttered to himself.

As they came closer, he could make out his best friend and fellow Paladin.  Bytor was riding on Traya.  Along side of him he could make out his own beloved horse, Rainen.

Bytor un-mounted Traya and met Carum with his usual bright smile yet it had concern behind it.

“The King is beside himself with worry, Carum.  Where have you been?”  Bytor asked.

All Carum could do was smile.  The ceremony burned behind his eyes.

“I met a woman today”.  Carum stated.

Bytor lost his smile completely.

“A woman?”  He asked, not even bothering to hide his bewilderment.

Carum, still smiling at Bytor told him of the events that transpired all evening.  He started with how he saved Kindle’s life.  Then he told Bytor how he met the tribe and the ceremonial test of Wind that Kindle had passed.  He then lost his smile which Bytor quickly picked up on.

“What is it Carum?”  Bytor asked him with concern.

Carum thought out his words carefully before answering.

“She is a Priestess with the Myriad.  She is of the bloodline of Alia” He finally revealed.

Bytor whistled under his breath.

“That’s not all.  She has the Eye of Alia” Carum whispered to Bytor.

At this, Bytor almost lost his footing.  Carum had to steady him.

In disbelief, Bytor asked “Are you positive?”

Carum nodded his head.  “I don’t believe she even knows what she has.  She is so innocent in so many ways yet I am positive that she is the one.  She is of the bloodline of Alia, I am sure of this.  She may have many powers, stronger than most yet she needs our ultimate protection”.

Bytor had learned early on that Carum was someone to be listened to and obeyed.  Yet, he had to ask.  “And what of the King?”

Carum winced at this question.  His father was a tyrant and more times than not a very difficult man to reason with.  “I haven’t figured that one out yet” he finally admitted.  “I have to see her again though.”

Bytor nodded.  He understood.  Carum was his best friend and shared all of his secrets with him.

“What do we do now, Sir?” he asked a forlorn Carum who was very deep in thought.

Carum mounted Rainen and Bytor mounted Traya and the two rode slowly back to Windspear in silence.

                Once at Windspear, the two dismounted.  Carum finally spoke “Not a word of this to anyone, understand?”   Bytor nodded in agreement as he took the reins of both horses and put them into their stables for the night.

                He didn’t mind.  Carum was his best friend and brother Paladin.  If this Kindle really possessed the Eye of Alia then her life and everyone whom she had ever loved would be in danger.

                He then went into his son’s bedchamber.  He stood over his son who was fast asleep.  One day, this will be his destiny.  I am so proud of him now.  I will be even more proud of him then.  He kissed his son’s forehead, then headed to his bedchamber to sleep.

                Even though he tried to sleep, he could hear the argument between King Ezrec and Carum.

                “You are NEVER to see this woman ever again, Carum.  Do you understand me?”  The King yelled angrily.

                Carum said something that Bytor could not make out.

                Then there was a slam of a door followed by an eerie silence.

                He did not know when but he finally drifted off to sleep.

                As he slept, he had a vision of Alia.  She never spoke but her words were clear.  Kindle was to be protected at all costs from Carum.  Alia showed him Carum’s role in Kindle’s downfall along with the tragedies that would befall Windspear.  She then showed him a Siren by the name of Ryanne who would stop at nothing to possess the stone and destroy the Myriad.

                Then she spoke “take your child from this place as soon as possible.  He will be safe at the barracks with the rest of the Paladin’s.  This is a fight that you were trained for.  Rally the rest of the Paladin’s and be ready to fight to save Kindle because without Kindle, I can never be.”  Then she was gone.

                Bytor awakened the next morning when his son of three annuals bounded onto his bed.

                “May I see mommy this morning, daddy?”  Caden asked.

                Bytor smiled a sad smile and produced a crystal which carried Caden’s visions of his mother in it.

                As he watched his son staring into the crystal, a deep pain went through his heart.  Caden’s mother had been a Priestess herself with many powers except one:  to cheat death.  Caden’s mother, Yliana died giving birth to Caden.

                With this scene, he was reminded of the visions Alia and the messages she brought forth to him last night.  Protect Kindle from Carum and this Ryanne.  But how?  Carum is his best friend and he knew nothing of this Ryanne.

                As if on cew, Carum strode into Bytor’s bedchamber

                “Let’s go” was all he said, then left the room.

                Bytor hugged his son, then put the crystal back into its box.  He then got ready to meet Carum at the stables.

                When he got there, Carum was already saddled up and waiting on Bytor who took his time to saddle up.  “What’s on the agenda, Sir?”  he asked Carum who just smiled and said nothing.

                They strode along at a slow trot until they reached Kindle’s village all in silence until Carum dismounted.

                “Come, I want to introduce you to someone” he told Bytor.

                As Bytor dismounted slowly,  the vision of Alia’s warning burned behind his eyes.

                They entered the east gate and Carum led Bytor to the little cottage Kindle lived in.

                Before Carum could knock on the door he heard her now familiar voice behind him.

                “Looking for someone, Sir Carum?” Kindle asked.

                All Bytor could do was stare.  He had never seen a woman so beautiful, yet so obviously innocent in his whole life.

                Kindle stood before them wearing a flowing light green dress.  She had long curly fiery red hair and Emerald green eyes.  Bytor almost fell to his knees before her since she resembled the High Priestess Alia.

                “Forgive my friend, Kindle.  I believe he has forgotten his manners”.  Carum said in a teasing way which Bytor took a little offense to.

                Bytor finally found his voice “it’s a pleasure to finally meet the woman who has seemed to cast a spell over my friend”.  He could not resist the jab back at Carum who bristled at this.  “My name is Bytor.” He managed with a smile.

                “Another Paladin.  Nice to meet you Sir Bytor.”  Kindle smiled and bowed her head to him.  Which Carum found odd.  She knew Carum was a Prince, yet she never bowed her head to him.  He found himself suddenly jealous of his friend.

                Suddenly Elan walked up behind his sister with his usual warm smile, he seemed to break the tension of the moment.  “Company again?” he asked as he greeted Carum with a handshake.  He then turned his eyes Bytor, his warm smile faded for a moment as he bowed his head toward him.  He returned to his smiling as he took Bytor’s hand in a warm welcoming handshake.

                “Hello, I am Elan.  Kindle’s brother.”  He finally said to Bytor.

                Before Bytor could introduce himself, Carum made a request.

                “Could we borrow your sister for the day?”  He asked Elan who then totally lost his smile.

                Speechless, he looked at Kindle who informed him without speech it is OK.  They are here about the stone.  I can handle this.

                A dumbfounded, yet trusting Elan answered Carum with a reluctant “if she wishes to, then I have no objection.”

                Carum smiled widely saying “then it is settled.  We shall have a picnic by the Elourna.”  He then took Kindle by the hand and led her to Rainen who was patiently waiting for her master to return.

                Before Bytor could follow them, Elan caught him by the arm.  His first instinct was to give Elan a good one right across his jaw bone but realized Elan was not being menacing.  Instead, Elan took Bytor’s right hand in both of his and kneeled before him.

                “Finally, the prophecy is to become.”  Was all Elan said, then let Bytor’s hand go.  Bytor watched Elan walk inside the small cottage, bewildered at the events that just took place.

                When he finally caught up to Carum and a giggling Kindle both mounted upon Rainen he heard Carum asking Kindle “What is she saying now?” obviously talking about Rainen.

                Kindle laughed and told him “she says she is ready.  She is hot, hungry and thirsty.  And, oh we are both way too heavy for her.”

                Carum laughed and instructed Kindle to tell Rainen that as soon as Bytor mounts Traya then they will go.  And oh, she could get some water and food as soon as we get there.

                Bytor rolled his eyes as he mounted Traya, “So she can also talk to animals?  What else can she do, fly?”  He asked not bothering to hide his irritation at his friends giddiness.

                Kindle spoke to Bytor without a word just like she did her brother earlier.

                I know who you are Bytor.  Alia speaks to you as she does to me.  You and Carum are here for the stone, yet neither of you will find it, at least not today.  You are the future to this land.

                Bytor stared at Kindle as if she were Alia in the flesh.  He thought to himself I bet she can even hear my thoughts.

                Kindle smiled at Bytor in response to his thought.

                Carum caught this seemingly minor exchange and decided to break Rainen into a fast trot, trying to leave Bytor behind.  But Bytor quickly caught up to them.

                “Watch it Carum, Rainen is already hot, tired, hungry and thirsty.  Don’t want to kill the old girl, do you?”  Bytor asked.

                Carum slowed Rainen in response to this.  I am just being silly and cannot be jealous of my brother Paladin.  He thought to himself knowing that Kindle could read his every thought.

                Kindle smiled to herself.  Yes, she could hear his every thought.

                They finally made it to the edge of the Elourna and all three dismounted.

                Letting the horses roam to feed and drink, Kindle, Carum and Bytor sat on the river’s edge soaking in the sun.  No one spoke until Bytor rose up and announced that he was taking a walk.

                Carum took this moment to get closer to Kindle.  He smiled at her as he grabbed a lock of her hair that flew across her face.

                Kindle laughed and fell on her back knowing Carum would take this moment to kiss her.  And as he did, she felt this stirring inside of her.  It was like moving without motion.  Carum stopped kissing her and stared down at her.  She was smiling.  “You are even more beautiful than last night” he told her as he caressed her cheek.  Kindle’s response was to kiss him again.

                In the distance, Bytor watched the two of them with a pang of jealousy and worry.  He was beginning to doubt the visions Alia gave him last night.

                He would never hurt her, he thought to himself.  He’s just fallen for her and who wouldn’t?  With her hair and eyes, no man could resist her.  He started to turn away until he heard a rustling nearby.

                Footsteps.  Some one was running toward them.  Bytor drew his sword, ready to defend.  He ran as fast as he could toward Kindle and Carum.  With his sword drawn and ready, the intruder finally revealed himself.

                It was Elan and he was very angry.  With one quick motion, he pulled Carum away from Kindle.

                “You have a lot to explain.  Time to go, now” he demanded of Kindle who already knew her secret was revealed.

                Bytor and Carum could do nothing but watch in astonishment as Kindle obeyed her brother and left with him.